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Why Alternative medicine is the king.

Firstly alternative health equals naturopathic medicine

There 16 plus branches and more constituting alternative health in no particular order

1) Herbology (The use of herbs for treatment) Chinese,aryuvedic,african traditional so wide

2)Nutritional and diet (vitamins,proteins, trace minerals,fats, Carbohydrates etc)

3)Acupuncture/Accupressure use specific points on the body to open 14 body channels

4)Aromepathy (use of essential oils for treatment)

5)Homeopathy (use triggering of the disease symptoms to treat the disease)

6)Massage/Reflexology /Moxibution (using blood flow and 14 body collaterals to stimulate specific body organs and parts)

7)Infra-red therapy (using infra red light to stimulate healing )

8)Frequency therapy (quantum)(taking advantage of the equivalent of radio- frequency to kill parasites , stimulate healing ,kill cancer cells etc)

9)Hydrotherapy (using water and its therapeutic nature to heal the body)

10) urinology (though controversial the use of your own urine to heal you)

11)Psychotherapy (using positive psychological and emotional techniques for healing the body)

12)Intermitent fasting (fasting for health)

13)Exercise /Peak 8 exercises/Calsithenics/Yoga

14)Stem cell therapy

15)spiritual healing/ meditation/

16)Sex !!! ( yes Sex is a very potent healing therapy so potent i cant say more)

Aha the list is too long now as a naturopathic doctor you have all this avenues for healing its amazing how rich and wealthy the naturopathic field is thats why when we say its king we mean it

Following the principles of Do no harm,treat the cause not only the symptoms,take advantage of nature,treat mind body and soul the whole body,prevention is better than cure

Disease is two things " Deficiency and Toxicity" period

This is the path of a naturopathic doctor its not easy but with Gods help Everything possible

The whole idea as a naturopathic doctor is to treat the body wholistically you are like a good mechanic who doesnt only fix the problem but thinks ahead and improves each and every system and organ coming upto the cellulr level if you can make the cell thrive then you have arrived as a naturopathic doctor

Their is nothing so exciting as to use Gods nature and body ntural healing ability to turn around somebody situation

Now taking advantage of green conventional medicine and alternative naturopathic medicine is the epitome in good health care the best of both world (intergrative medicine)

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